Thursday, November 02, 2006

What Sisters are For

Beth and I are 4.5 years apart. We never really got along as kids due to our age difference and maturity levels (mom may disagree with that sometimes). Now, I can ask anything in the world of her and she would do it for me because she knows I would do the same for her.

When Hayden was born, Beth became a different person much like myself. No only was I now "mommy" but she became someone very special herself. You would think Hayden was her child most times. She loves him whole-heartedly. She was still in college while I was off on maternity leave. Like clock work, she would come by a few times a week to just hold him. I could leave him with her for a few hours and NEVER have to worry. She has such the motherly touch and will be great with her own children some day. I love her very much for the woman that she is becoming and also for the girl she already is.

This picture is from Hayden's "birth day". He was only a few minutes old and had already stolen her heart.

A little over a year later, this is them:

I'm not sure if I have mentioned it before, but she is a great photographer. She is great with kids and great with capturing moments when you are just being you! I often take advantage of her for Hayden's pictures and family pictures. Here's a little preview of some fun pictures taken this past weekend.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I have two sisters. One 4 years older, one three years younger. It is amaizing how close I've become to them since at some point I definitley asked God to kill them! THankd goodness he wasn't listening!
Loven the photos! Hayden is a cutey!