Friday, July 14, 2006

Owls and Cookies

Normally on the way home from daycare, Hayden looks like this due to playing all day long.

This was not the case yesterday. He has been learning new words and really talking a lot here lately. A few weeks ago we were at a co-worker's house for a cookout and he saw a "bobble-head" owl on the front porch. I pointed to it and said "Owl". He immediately repeated what I said. Throughout the day, he would walk to the door where he could see it and then point to it saying "Owl". Since then, he hasn't said it much even when we see pictures of one in his books.

On the way home from daycare yesterday, he would point out the window and constantly say "Owl". I could get him to repeat a few other words after me but he always went back to "Owl". I have a feeling that learned about them at school or maybe he just likes the way it sounds.


Each morning when I drop off Hayden at daycare, a friend of ours is there with her daughter at the same time. Haylee will be 2 in September and is absolutely the cutest the little thing. She is so petite and quiet. Since she and Hayden are in the same classroom in the mornings and late afternoons, they seem to have drawn quite a cute friendship.

Each morning they sit side by side and share what morning snacks each bring. Hayden is well known for his Mini Rice Cakes which Haylee has come to love. This morning was a special one - Hayden had cookies!! Haylee brought some mini cookies with chocolate on them (along with her Cheerios). She was nice enough to share with Hayden who looked at me and say with his smile "Mommy, she is the coolest! Can I have chocolate cookies every morning?" What could I say to that other than "Of course!" (just don't tell you grandmother who is a dental hygenist).

He was so excited about the cookies, he barely noticed that I had kissed him, wished him a good day, and left. I watched for a few seconds thru the "secret window". He was so happy with the cookies that I don't think he even touched his rice cakes. I could see him taking bites and then nodding his head from side to side like he was singing to himself "I gotta cooookkkieeeeeee, na na na na na na!" And to that I say...bring the kid more cookies!

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