Wednesday, March 28, 2012

The making of a karate kid!

For many months, my mom suggested we enroll Hayden in karate for the many benefits including self control and self discipline. As many of you with boys know, they have an abundance of energy that needs to be let out as well as taught how to control and karate was the answer.

In December 2010, he started at Baize Martial Arts in the 4 & 5 year old class. He fit in very well and is such a quick learner. This is his first gi and obi. Isn't he the cutest!!!


In February 2011, he tested for his first stripe towards his yellow belt and passed with flying colors!


April 2011 tested for his 2nd yellow stripe (the blue strips on this belt are for good grades) and also moved into the Children's Beginner class:

 June 2011 tested for 3rd yellow stripe (the blue strips on this belt are for good grades):

August 2011 tested and received his yellow belt. He officially became a member of the black belt club and got his new black gi. August also brought him a broken arm (story for another day) so he was out of karate for 5 weeks.

October 2011 he tested and received his 1st blue stripe (pic is MIA) and December he received his 2nd blue stripe (white stripes are for good grades):

January 2012 tested and received his 3rd blue stripe (pic is MIA) and in February he received his blue belt (red stripe is for good grades). He also moved into the Children's Intermediate class. This class starts at blue belts and many of the kids are bigger and older. He seems to do better in these instances, almost like it forces him to participate better. When he gets bored, it's time to move classes.

It has been amazing to watch him progress. He counts in Japanese to 10 and knows a good amount of the Japanese words for different kicks, punches and combinations. Hayden has even broken their test board a few times and thrown a "ninja" star. He is such a smart child and has thrived well in these classes (my mom was right, of course). I love looking back at these photos to see how much he has grown and matured from the first class where standing still for 30 seconds was serious stuff, to where he is now and has to stand still for 90 seconds. You wouldn't think standing still was very hard but for a little boy with a lot of energy, it's serious business!

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